Whilst flogging the horse that should be dead (IE7); I discovered that
I was unable to use Element.store on the options within a select:

function optionAdder(s) {
  var optIdx = $('mySelect').options.length;
  $('mySelect').options[optIdx] = new Option(s.text, s.val);
  $('mySelect').options[optIdx].store("meta", s.meta);       //<----
Object doesn't support this property or method

The above function works in IE8.  This next function, on the other
hand, does work in IE7:

function optionAdder(s) {
  $('mySelect').appendChild(new Element('option', {"value":s.val,

In this case I use readAttribute instead of the retrieve method.  Can
anyone offer insight as to why store doesn't work?

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