and the JSONP works at least for flickr... thanks for the support =)

On Jun 24, 12:53 pm, David Behler <> wrote:
> Hi Nahum,
> as far as I know Firefox does not allow for cross-domain AJAX requests.
> What you could to is to request a php file on your server and that php
> file does the call to the Flickr API.
> David
> Am 24.06.2010 19:47, schrieb ncubica:
> > Hi every body I have a weird issue I been working with the Flickr API,
> > in Flickr for make a connection with the server is through url format
> > in my case something like this
> >;...
> > If your run into any browser you are going to get a flickr function
> > and is ok, but Im trying to obtain with Ajax Im doing something like
> >      new Ajax.Request('
> > method=flickr.photosets.getList&api_key=10cb3dccaa050efebdc01540c1d4d227&us 
> > er_id=51390...@n07&format=json',
> >    {
> >      method:'get',
> >      onSuccess: function(transport){
> >          debugger;
> >        var response = transport.responseText || "no response text";
> >        alert("Success! \n\n" + response);
> >      },
> >      onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }
> >    });
> > And is working good in IE the response have what you can see in the
> > url of flickr but in Firefox I dont know why Im getting in the
> > responseText a blank string "". does any have any clue what am I doing
> > wrong?
> > Thanks
> > Nahum

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