
Yeah, changes to the DOM that's being torn down are probably pretty
low priority.

If you really, really want to do this, I'd probably do a lib that:

1. Dynamically replaces the type='submit' buttons with type='button'

2. Watches for clicks on them.

3. In the click handler, do your form validation (since you won't get
a submit event), and if it passes add a hidden element to the form
using the button's value, show your covering div, and set up the
delayed submit of the form.

...then reuse it. :-)

-- T.J.

On Oct 22, 2:32 pm, Walter Lee Davis <wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
> On Oct 21, 2010, at 6:32 PM, T.J. Crowder wrote:
> > Instead, I'd do it in the obvious place: The form submit event:
> >http://jsbin.com/aniro4/3Or you could do it on the `click` event of
> > the button:http://jsbin.com/aniro4/4(I wouldn't use `mouseup` on the
> > button, in case there are things the user can do that won't trigger
> > the click but *will* trigger `mouseup` -- like pressing down
> > elsewhere, the moving the mouse onto the button and releasing the
> > mouse button. Let's defer to the UA about when the user's actually
> > clicked the button.)
> Thanks, TJ, that's about what I had figured. But I have had massive  
> problems with hooking the submit event and modifying the DOM. In about  
> half the cases I've tried this, I end up with one or another browser  
> just not updating the DOM after the submit event has fired. The page  
> sits there with its tongue hanging out, and never updates.
> I have tried stopping the submit, then updating the page, then firing  
> this.up('form').submit() or similar, which works, but can then  
> introduce other problems I don't like to fix, like not passing along  
> the clicked submit button, for cases where I include a submit button  
> named delete, and key the form handler's action off of that element's  
> presence at the server.
> Everything's a trade-off.
> Walter

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