Right. The best low-level way to translate JS to PHP and back again is using encodeURI or uncodeURIComponent on your JS side, and rawurldecode() or rawurlencode() on the PHP side. They are functionally identical, as long as you have set your PHP side to use UTF-8 as its default charset.


On Nov 8, 2010, at 4:42 PM, T.J. Crowder wrote:


I don't know that it's the problem because I'm not a PHP person, but
you're using the `escape` function to encode your parameters, and then
decoding them with a PHP function called `urldecode`. JavaScript's
`escape` function does _not_ URL-encode things, it does something
similar but different and is almost certainly not what you want. I'm
surprised it's working with other browsers, frankly, but perhaps
that's my lack of PHP knowledge.

The most reliable way to send parameters that I know is to send them
URL-encoded, and to decode them as URL-encoded data. In Prototype, the
easiest way to do that is to supply a plain object to the Ajax.Request
method (which Prototype will correctly encode for you):

   var jsonRequest = ...;
   new Ajax.Request( // ...
       parameters: {json: jsonRequest}
       // ...

...and then retrieve the value just as you would any other value:

   $request = $_POST["json"];
   $requestObject = Zend_Json::decode($request); // Or your
$zendJson, whatever that is

But again, I'm not a PHP guy and could easily be missing something
important here.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

On Nov 8, 5:47 pm, fashionpeople <fashionpeople.busin...@gmail.com>

this is my ajax request that works perfectly on IE and FIREFOX, but
not in CHROME!

   function sendMessage(baseUrl, idNickRcv, msg) {

      var requestObject       = new Object();
      requestObject.idNickRcv = idNickRcv;
      requestObject.msg       = msg;

      var jsonRequest         = JSON.stringify(requestObject);

      if ((idNickRcv) && (msg)) {

         new Ajax.Request(baseUrl + '/usermsg/index/sendmessage', {
            method:     'POST',
            requestHeaders:{ Accept:'application/json' },
            parameters: escape(jsonRequest),

                          function(transport, json) {
                          //use and handle foo response data
                          function(transport) {
                          //handle error, inform user
                         onComplete: parseSendMessage



the problem is in action side server.
there is this PHP / ZEND FRAMEWORK code:


$request = urldecode($this->getRequest()- >getRawBody());

      $requestObject = $zendJson->decode($request,


Json decoding fails with Syntax Error, for this reason Ajax request no
works and is interrupted.
Chrome send a bad json string!

Any suggests?

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