Hello there !

It's been a (little) year since I've started using prototype.js. It's
really great and it simplifies my dev life a lot !

I use it to develop a chat application (www.kraml.fr) and I use the
PeriodicalUpdater to retrieve the new events.

But, somehow, it happens that the call never retrieves the answer from
the server, even if in Apache log I see that the page has been called
by that user.

For now, I try to escape the problem by putting a timeout on the call
(from a script found on the web), but to avoid loosing information, I
have to send a receipt, which is slowing my app, and is not really
reliable as it can "pend" as the periodical call.

I don't think it comes from the prototype library, but I thought
people could have had an idea or even had the same problem. I'm
looking actually at the PHP sessions, but am not really sure it has
something to do with it.

Thanks in advance,

Julien. (tyrsensei on www.kraml.fr if you want to test on live)

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