
On Jun 16, 9:11 am, Acu <woj...@studioatrium.pl> wrote:
> I am curious what happens with references to Events registered through
> Event.Observe when object bound with those evenst is removed with
> Element.remove function. Are they automatically freed (like with
> Event.unloadCache)? Or maybe one should unregister those events with
> Event.stopObserving before removing object?

Prototype doesn't do anything to remove the handlers on `remove`,
they'll stay in memory.

If you know you've only set handlers on that element and none of its
children, yes, use `stopObserving`:


If there may be handlers on the element's children as well, use


It's not clear from the documentation, but `purge` does remove
handlers from the element's descendants.

[1] http://api.prototypejs.org/dom/Element/purge/

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

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