BTW, I know sortables are kind of flaky with tables.  But using
<tbody><tr> seems to work.  Normally I would stick with divide, but as
im just implementing this feature to a work in progress, I can't edit
the base code.

Alrighty thanks for the quick replies.  basically the helper is as
follows (name: sortable_row.php)

the Helper contains six methods:

containerStart($name), containerEnd(), insert($containerName, ) [for
row insertion], close() [for row ending], handle(), and create() [The
actual call to the JS function];

Layout is as follows:

containerStart/End methods print out my <tbody id=$name> </tbody>
tags.  In the example: the first call is
containerStart("uriSortableContainer"); the second is
containerStart("analSortableContainer") [anal means Analyzer to avoid
confusion :P]

insert/close methods print out my <tr id=$containerName . "Row_#">
(correct format for sequencing... looks like

handle method creates an image handle and gives it a unique ID for the
onMouseDown/OnMouseUp events: highlights the row when you "click it".
I used my own method because the onHover option for the Sortable
object didn't remove the class that was currently on the affected row,
if there was one. (e.g. A list with alternating row colors for

and finally:
create method takes all the info from the other methods and calls the
javascript function I have written in sortable.js. this creates all
the right arguments to call the javascript functions..

I don't believe there are issues with the html, as because the helpers
are reproducing the same code, just with different id names.

function sortableListHoverToggle(name, rowId, status, hclass, nhclass)
        var hoverClass = "";
        if (status == 1)
                hoverClass = hclass;
        else {
                if ((rowId % 2) == 0)
                        hoverClass = nhclass;
                        hoverclass = "";
        document.getElementById(name + "Row_" + rowId).className =


function changeListOrder(name, assetId, dirPath, actionName) {
        var a                   = 1;
        var arrayList   = "";
        arrayList = Sortable.sequence(name);
        arrayList = arrayList.toString();
        arrayList = arrayList.replace(/,/g, "/");
        path = dirPath + "/" + actionName + "/" + assetId + "/" + arrayList;

        document.location = path;


// The create sortables function.
function createSortables(name, assetId, dirPath, actionName) {
                return Sortable.create(name , { tag:'tr', containment: name,
handles: $$('#' + name + ' img'), onUpdate: function ()
{ changeListOrder(name, assetId, dirPath, actionName) } } );

So as you can see each sortable is being created identically with
unique container and row ids.... Please let me know what you think..
and if you need more information or not.

Once again thanks for the quick replies!

On Jul 25, 1:34 pm, Tom Gregory <> wrote:
> For problems like this, a minimal example page also helps.
> Of course, I'm a bit selfish in asking for one, as I find that often
> when trying to create a minimal reproducible case I find the problem
> in my own code ... =)
> On Jul 25, 12:10 pm, Andrew Senner <> wrote:
> > I have a script that creates sortable lists on the fly embedded in a
> > cakephp helper.  I'm running across an issue when creating a second
> > sortable list.  Everything works perfectly on the first call to
> > 'Sortable.create()', and everything works perfectly on the second call
> > as well.. except:  When trying to actually move an item in the second
> > list (with or without a handle)  The item will not move until the
> > mouse cursor is about 100-150px below the list item.... so if my
> > pointer is approximately 1.5 inch underneath the item it moves up and
> > down like normal, and saves the list accordingly.
> > Just curious if anyone had any information involving this.. Thanks
> > ahead of time for your help.

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