I have a list that I have added a sortable on when I drag a item to
the end of the list the positon or offset in the list moves back up
the list so I can never drag an item to the last item in the list. If
I have ghosting on as I drag the item to the bottom of the list the
ghosted image moves up the screen. I can see the y offset or delta
change as I move up and down the list so the ghosted image move away
or toward my cursor as I move it. Any help would be appreciated.

function alignPositionValues()
                var idx=1;
                $('fieldslist').select('li').each(function(listItem) {
                        idx = idx + 1;
                Cookie.set('fieldsscroller', $('fieldsscroller').scrollTop, 

        Event.observe(window,"blur",function() {
                $('fieldsscroller').scrollTop = (Cookie.get('fieldsscroller') 
|| 0);

        Event.observe(window,"load",function() {
                $('fieldsscroller').scrollTop = (Cookie.get('fieldsscroller') 
|| 0);

                tsjsSyncTableWidths('fieldslist', 'fieldshdr');
                Position.includeScrollOffsets = true;
                Sortable.create('fieldslist', {
                        onUpdate: alignPositionValues,
                        constraint: 'vertical',
                        overlap: 'vertical',
                        ghosting: true,
                        scroll: 'fieldsscroller'

<div id="fieldsscroller" class="listbackground verticalscroller
leftborder bottomborder rightborder" style="position:relative; height:
600px;  top:0px; left:0px; overflow-x:auto;">
<div style="width:100%; height:100%">
          <ul id="fieldslist" style="list-style-type:none; padding:0px;margin:
                <WEBOBJECT NAME=DisplayFieldsRepetition>
                        <WEBOBJECT NAME=FieldItem></WEBOBJECT>

Grant Hickey

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