2012/5/3 Jeff Emminger <jemmin...@gmail.com>

> When using v1.6.0.2 and serializing a form with a "multiple" select list,
> I would get its value like "&myselect[]=foo&myselect[]=bar".
> In v1.7.0.0 it's posting the value like "&myselect[]=foo,bar".  This does
> not work properly on the backend (Rails).
> Is this expected behavior?  Attached are test pages.
I don't find anything about this behavior, except

*form data set* a sequence of *name/value pairs*; the names are given
by an HTML
document <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_2.html#GLOSS18> and
the values are given by a user.

> > >The spec doesn't seem to speak suggested/valid combinations of verbs and
> > >query parameters (please point me to the location if I've missed it).
> >
> > No, it does not.


Within a query component, the characters ";", "/", "?", ":", "@",
   "&", "=", "+", ",", and "$" are reserved.

It looks like every user-agent can do it in diferents ways
Lo bueno de vivir un dia mas
es saber que nos queda un dia menos de vida

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