Thanks Phil, 

I do want to call a javascript function.
But let me try to simplify my problem.

Here is a page . . . 
<div id="myDiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
new Ajax.Updater('myDiv', 'XYZ.html', {evalScripts: true}) ;

Here is the page being called . . . 
<script  type="text/javascript">
sayHi = function(){
alert ('Hi');
<input type="button" value="Click Me" onclick="sayHi()"/>
This will work, in the sense that myDiv will remain and the alert will 

My problem is that if I replace *alert* with *document.write* then the page 
gets replaced with a new page.  I thought the idea behind AJAX.Updater was 
to replace the DIV with new data, or in this case the result of the 
function. *So in my newbie logic the DIV should get replaced with the text 
generated by document.write.?  *

I have tried to figure what you mean by using onSuccess, but I fail to get 
the right syntax, and it's very hard to find in the docs.  I assume you 
mean to call the function as part of the onSuccess parameters.  However the 
example above does seem to execute the function from called page, it's just 
that it works with alert but not document.write and this is doesn't make 
sense to me (yet).

On Friday, July 27, 2012 10:46:33 AM UTC-4, ppetree wrote:
> then perhaps we're not understanding what you mean by "passed"
> normal process is:
> onSuccess: call a function that processes the incoming data
> onFailure: tell the user what happened
> what gets "passed" is data.
> what gets "called" are functions.
> having code in an external file indicates to me you want to call a 
> function.
> I think a little more clarity might help us help you.
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Jim Longo wrote:
>> Thanks for your response. I'm sorry, I forgot to mention I had tried 
>> that.  The request is successful (as I mentioned I can pass html and php, 
>> just not javascript)
>> On Friday, July 27, 2012 7:35:11 AM UTC-4, ppetree wrote:
>>> Try using the onsuccess on failure parameters in Ajax updater.
>>> onFailure: function() {alert("bombed");},
>>> onSuccess: ...
>>> On Jul 27, 2012 12:04 AM, "Jim Longo" wrote:
>>>> If it helps, I can replace the js with something real simple (an alert) 
>>>> and it still won't run in the AJAX page.  If I put plain text or html or 
>>>> php in the external file it will run, but not javascript.

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