Firstly the javascript you have posted seems to be incorrect - the blocks
of code have mismatched {} , ie onException: is not part of the options
object literal passed to Ajax.Request - but that might have been copy and
pasting problems

 - have you confirmed that the ajax response has the a Content-Type:
application/json header?
 - if so have you tried to console.log the xhr.ResponseText - the JSON
might be invalid?
 - "onsuccess" should be "onSuccess"
 - you are doing a strictly equal test (===), you might consider just
checking equal (==) first get it working and then check strict equal

and to answer your main question - the onSuccess is a callback function -
returning a value is not really something to be done for a callback
function - you can set/get other global variables and you should be able to
access the variables in the method you have written

Let me know if anything doesn't make sense

Jason Westbrook | T: 313-799-3770 |

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Laurent Barre <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a function :
> request:function (object) {
>         var chaine = "var param = {";
>         for (var i = 0; i < object.param.length; i++) {
>             chaine = chaine + "param_" + i + ":" + object.param[i] + ","
>         }
>         chaine = chaine.substr(0, (chaine.length - 1));
>         chaine = chaine + "};";
>         eval(chaine);
>         new Ajax.Request(object.php, {
>             method:object.method,
>             encoding:'UTF-8',
>             contentType:'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
>             parameters:param,
>             onsucess:function (xhr, json) {
>                 if (json[0].etat === "A") {
>                     result.etat = 'A';
>                     result.message = json[0].msg;
> /* test 2 */ return {result:result};
> alert('ok');
>                 }
>                 else if (json[0].etat === "S") {
>                     result.etat = 'S';
>                     result.message = json[0].msg;
>                     }
>                 }
>             },
>             onException:function (xhr, e) {
>               alert('Exception : ' + e);
>             }});
> alert(result.etat);
>         return {result:result};
>     }
> first test : if I test, everything works, I have "alert(ok)", but
> "alert(result.etat)" is empty.
> second test : with test 2 active, return doesn't work.
> I think that Ajax.Request doesn't exchange the parameters between
> ajax.request and my request  function.
> But I don't know how to link them ?
> Best regards.
>  --
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