Hi all,

I have written a small extension for the window.js (
http://prototype-window.xilinus.com/ version 1.3).

*What does it do?*

It adds an optional hover-function for the minimize, maximize and close 
buttons. Backward-compatibility is guaranteed.

*How do I add this feature for my windows or dialog?*

1. apply the diff to the window.js v1.3

2. Add styles-tags for your active and blurred windows ending in 
_close_hover, maximize_hover and minimize_hover to define the style of your 
buttons while the mouse hovers over them.

3. Add the option "buttonHoverStyles:true," when initializing your window.

*What does the .diff do in detail?*

It adds the option-default for buttonHoverStyles as false in the 
initialize-method to guarantee backward-compatibility.
In _createWindow() it checkes buttonHoverStyles and accordingly adds in-tag 
event-handlers for onmouseover and onmouseoutto the button-divs. These in 
turn change the classname of the div to realise the hover-effect.

Have fun!


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>       buttonHoverStyles: false,                                                                                                      
<     var closeDiv = this.options.closable ? "<div class='"+ className +"_close' id='"+ id +"_close' onclick='Windows.close(\""+ id +"\", event)'> </div>" : "";
<     var minDiv = this.options.minimizable ? "<div class='"+ className + "_minimize' id='"+ id +"_minimize' onclick='Windows.minimize(\""+ id +"\", event)'> </div>" : "";
<     var maxDiv = this.options.maximizable ? "<div class='"+ className + "_maximize' id='"+ id +"_maximize' onclick='Windows.maximize(\""+ id +"\", event)'> </div>" : "";
>     var closeDiv = "";                                                                                                                                                   
>     var minDiv = "";                                                                                                                                                     
>     var maxDiv = "";                                                                                                                                                     
>     if(this.options.buttonHoverStyles) {                                                                                                                                 
>       closeDiv = this.options.closable ? "<div class='"+ className +"_close' id='"+ id +"_close' onclick='Windows.close(\""+ id +"\", event)' "
>                       +"onmouseover=\"$('" + id + "_close').className = $('" + id + "_close').className + '_hover';\" "
>                       +"onmouseout=\"$('" + id + "_close').className = $('" + id + "_close').className.sub('_hover','');\"> </div>"
>                       : "";
>         minDiv = this.options.minimizable ? "<div class='"+ className + "_minimize' id='"+ id +"_minimize' onclick='Windows.minimize(\""+ id +"\", event)' "
>                       +"onmouseover=\"$('" + id + "_minimize').className = $('" + id + "_minimize').className + '_hover';\" "
>                       +"onmouseout=\"$('" + id + "_minimize').className = $('" + id + "_minimize').className.sub('_hover','');\"> </div>"
>                       : "";
>         maxDiv = this.options.maximizable ? "<div class='"+ className + "_maximize' id='"+ id +"_maximize' onclick='Windows.maximize(\""+ id +"\", event)' "
>                       +"onmouseover=\"$('" + id + "_maximize').className = $('" + id + "_maximize').className + '_hover';\" "
>                       +"onmouseout=\"$('" + id + "_maximize').className = $('" + id + "_maximize').className.sub('_hover','');\"> </div>"
>                       : "";
>     } else {
>         closeDiv = this.options.closable ? "<div class='"+ className +"_close' id='"+ id +"_close' onclick='Windows.close(\""+ id +"\", event)'> </div>" : "";
>         minDiv = this.options.minimizable ? "<div class='"+ className + "_minimize' id='"+ id +"_minimize' onclick='Windows.minimize(\""+ id +"\", event)'> </div>"   : "";
>         maxDiv = this.options.maximizable ? "<div class='"+ className + "_maximize' id='"+ id +"_maximize' onclick='Windows.maximize(\""+ id +"\", event)'> </div>" : "";
>     }

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