Vouno coller eu que o está utilizando a miña muller :-)

2010/11/26 Fran Dieguez <fran.dieg...@mabishu.com>:
> Eu fixen algo estes días pero non vou poder rematalo...
> podería alguén completalo. Pódese obter desde Transifex.
> Grazas!
> ---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
> From: Vera Yin <v...@yorba.org>
> To: Vera Yin <v...@yorba.org>
> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 19:02:46 -0800
> Subject: Shotwell 0.8: Call for Translation
> Hi Shotwell Translators,
> You're receiving this message because you kindly provided language
> translation services for Shotwell during a past release cycle. All of
> us at Yorba are grateful for your efforts.
> In the next few weeks Shotwell 0.8 is due to be released, introducing
> a number of new features:
> * video support
> * runtime monitoring and auto-import
> * writing metadata back to photo files
> * slideshow desktop background
> * flagging photos
> and numerous bug fixes.
> These features have introduced new, translatable text strings. If
> you'd like to help others use Shotwell 0.8 in a wide range of
> languages, we invite you to submit updated translation files by
> Monday, December 6. You can do so either in reply to this email or on
> our Transifex project page at
> http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/shotwell/c/default/. For your
> convenience, I have attached the new Shotwell 0.8 POT strings template
> file to this message. You can merge your existing translation work
> into this new POT file by using the msgmerge tool.
> Thanks again for all your translation help!
> Best Regards,
> Vera
> -----------------------------------------
> Vera Yin
> Internationalization Engineer
> Yorba Foundation
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