
Xa fai tempo que avisei deste proxecto. O bo que ten, é que nos
permitirá ter entre outras cousas, ficheiros tmx das traducións de

Para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos, o acceso a eses corpus podería
estar ben para usalos nos aplicativos de tradución. Cando teña tempo,
tentarei avisar aos desenvolvedores de omegat por se lles pode
interesar, xa que agora a tradución automática con google translate
non vai funcionar ou a nova licenza de google lles impide utilizalo.

Off topic: Como está o tema do drupal para albergar a comunidade
galega de mozilla. Para cando Como vos fago unha
petición formal?, xa que quero porme coa web do grupo.


El día 21 de julio de 2011 21:49, Antón Méixome <> escribió:
> Acaba de saír nas listas de Mozilla
> Nota completa de Philippe ( )
> Hello, it has been quite a while since the last update of the
> transvision glossary. I'm happy to share the new version with you.
> The transvision glossary is a web tool that permits you to search in
> the en-US or other language for words/sentences/entities and give you
> the en-US/locale correspondance. It can be usefull to know how your
> team has translated some words or to search for mistakes.
> You can also find somme old information on the babelzilla blog posts :
> and
> ***************************
> There is also a web-service witch return a json file instead of an html page :
> To use it, you have to pass the argument directly on the url like it
> is done on the regular glossary (look at the url after a search) :
> Will become in the web-service :
> ********************************************
> New in this version :
>   new and unique url :
>   you can search in the Release, Beta, Aurora and Trunk repositories
>   You can switch your language directly on the web page
>   the tmx files used in this version are available at :
> **********************************************
> Behind the scene, the Release and Beta en-US repositories comes
> directly from, the Aurora and Trunk repositories comes
> from the (thanks to them for the work). The
> repositories, the TMX files and the glossary are updated each night at
> 2.00AM (UT+2).
> The code is in the hg repo :
> *****************
> What is removed for now :
>   doublon/duplicate script (I'll try to re-add it latter)
>   Alignment script, I'll try to re-add it directly on the same page
> via an option
> and are now
> innactive (I don't think a lot of people used it anyway).
> **********************
> The future of this tool :
>   re-add alignment on the same page
>   add a term to term automatic glossary
>   re-add the duplicate search script
>   treat the html in the glossary correctly
>   if there is a popular demand, compare not only the en-US to a
> locale, but also between locales (usefull for language with more than
> one locale?).
> ************************
> Feel free to contact me (on this thread or by email) if you find any
> error/bug or if you think there is a feature missing.
> As usual, I'm not an html guru and a good designer, if someone feels
> that he can improve the design, go ahead :) That's true also for the
> code.
> Best regards Philippe
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