************************************************************************** Se hai algunha que xa preguntei, desculpade. Gracias pola axuda que me destes.

"GPS 'viz' utility"
"blobs viewer :)"
"¿podese deixar suite coma suite??"
"media player"
"¿que xenero ten shell????"
"¿¿¿¿dise escanear, escaneo, etc ou non??"
"¿¿business cards=tarxetas de visita???"
"realtime effects"
"CUPS queue"
"waveform [waveform viewer]"
"recompressor for AVI files"
"effect rack"
"audio mastering"
"kiki the nanobot"
"video transcoder"
"network mapper"
"monitor (usado coma verbo, p.ex. [monitor a server])"
"stream capture viewer"
"graphical timeline editor"
"tool for memory profiling and leak detection"
"computations [numerical computations]"
"Opendir error: %s"
"append [append mode]"
"resolve proxy"
"if any [shutting down isdn/ippp devices (if any)]"
"[loading] keymap"
"NFS lockd"
"NFS statd"
"NFS mountd"
"The BackSpace key sends: ^H"
"Starting Jabber MSN Transport"
"display manager" "desfragmentar ou defragmentar ????"
"was mounted on /dev"
"recreate (fala dun ficheiro ou algo asi)"
"bewan modem"
"corrupted data"
"media (creo que se refire a dispositivos de almacenamento, HD, disquetes, CDs etc.)"

Poño esta cadea enteira porque non sei como traducila: "It exports the framebuffer of the X server to one or more clients using strong\n \t compression and injects keyboard and mouse inputs from the clients into\n \t the server."

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