Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting (
> > Yes, yes, I know all that Christian, and I'll never get tired to express
> > my gratitude and admiration for Jacobo's work. I'll even let myself to
> > feel galician patriotic feelings and so in case that could be considered
> > a good thing :-) But, at the same time please compare this two archives:
> > 
> >
> >
> So, not really aproblem specific to Galician, but a more general problem.

I agree. Indeed that was the purpose of my message: to visibilize the
general problem through the particular Galician case. References to
Jacobo were done simply because... he is the only one in the galician
team! :)

> Back to Galician: I think that it should somewhat be the duty of
> Jacobo to build that community by using d-l-galician more often and
> invest some time in helping people there as well as establishing work
> methods.

I think so. I may offer my help.

> However, just like anybody else, I have no power to enforce that if
> there is no will for it to happen. And if translations continue to
> come from an individual, they'll still be the reference.

Yep, I can understand that, even when clearly that's not the best
translation situation IMHO.

> As a conclusion, I really encourage people who want more progress in
> Debian Galician l10n to:
> - use d-l-galician for work
> - encourage Jacobo to work with the team and establish work
> methods. That definitely needs some investment of time but that will
> be compensated by the extra (wo)manpower that would get attracted on
> long term.

I support your encouragment in exactly the same terms. Added to that
-and as I did before in Badajoz last year- I'd like to offer all the 
resources I could provide from the Galician Government's FLOSS Center 
in order to support Debian l10n community, specially where that means 
strengthening galician Debian l10n community and maintaining an
updated and accurate Debian galician translation. Just an example we
could promote an event to discuss all this, inviting l10n Debian
experts, in a similar collaborative way as the last event we organized,
along with the galician localization community:

Sharing our hardware platform, which is settled at the Galician
Supercomputing Center (-still- Debian + Xen) could be another
possibility; I don't know, it's just a matter of identifying common
needings in order to find common ways to solve them. And nobody can
identify their own needings better than the Debian l10n community

Whatever. Recognizing the existance of the problem is the first
neccesary step in order to solve it. Step done, solution is in
progress. Good! :)

Xesús Manuel Benítez Baleato                Coordenador de        
Consellaría de Innovación e Industria                  Xunta de Galicia 
Praza de Europa, nº 15 - A, 6ºC 15707   Santiago de Compostela (Galiza)
(0034) 638035310 Ext: 343820/ Fax: 881999113  <suso.baleato @>

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