On Fri, 10 Oct 2014 16:59:44 +0200 Jorge Barreiro wrote:

> O Venres, 10 de Outubro de 2014 00:50:21 escribiches:
> > No need to send any fixed .po files: I'll apply the changes myself.
> > Just answer to the last outstanding issue (the above-mentioned five
> > translations to be turned into plural forms) and I'll take care of the
> > modifications!

Hello Jorge,
after receiving all your answers via private e-mail, I have modified
the translation accordingly.

Thank you very much for your contribution.
I've just pushed the updated translation to the public git repository:
it will be part of the next upload of the package (version 0.1.16).


 fsck is a four letter word...
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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