CubeSat Mission to Advance Nano-Satellite Technology

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 16, 2007 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has completed the 
first phase of its nano-satellite research and experimentation with the 
successful conclusion of the CubeSat TestBed 1 (CSTB1) mission. The spacecraft, 
launched April 17 from the Baikonur Cosmosdrome in Kazakhstan, accomplished 100 
percent of its primary mission objectives. 

Through experiments such as CSTB1, Boeing is evaluating a variety of 
technologies, design elements, and attitude determination and control 
approaches for future operational nano-satellites -- spacecraft weighing less 
than 22 pounds (10 kg). Pico-satellites like CSTB1 weigh less than 3 pounds (1 

With the tiny spacecraft still fully operational, the program is entering an 
optional test phase to support additional experiments such as taking more 
photographs using CubeSat's ultra-low power imager and evaluating 
non-traditional attitude control algorithms. 

"The extremely low cost and risk of CTSB1 allowed us to experiment with a range 
of more radical design elements that wouldn't occur with a more traditional 
program," said Scott MacGillivray, manager of Boeing Nano-Satellite Programs 
and CSTB1 program manager. "Leveraging the experience gained from this mission 
and its flight-validated design elements will enable us to explore new, more 
capable designs to support emerging nano-satellite missions." 

Boeing collected more than 500,000 sensor data points from the test bed during 
the three-and-one-half-month mission and more than 1,650 orbits to date. Boeing 
will correlate the data with simulations and ground testing, apply it to 
development tools for future nano-satellites and assess the lifespan of several 
commercial off-the-shelf parts used on the spacecraft. 

"The technology demonstrated on CSTB1 fits well with the goals of our Advanced 
Systems group," said Alex Lopez, vice-president, Boeing Advanced Network and 
Space Systems. "In addition to nano-satellite applications, we can incorporate 
components and design elements into larger spacecraft to reduce volume, mass 
and power needs for the main spacecraft bus and increase resources available 
for mission and payload needs." 

CSTB1 features multi-functional side panels with a variety of embedded sensors, 
a key design element of the compact, highly-integrated nano-satellite. 

Future design work will increase spacecraft performance in attitude 
determination knowledge and control accuracy, enable higher computational 
throughput and communications bandwidth, and support a wide range of 
specialized missions at which nano-satellites can excel. 

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