Hi everyone,

Because of bad weather on Sunday, we're moving the launch to Saturday
morning. That's both good and bad: the bad is that we're now totally
rushed. The good news is, we'll be back Saturday night!

Here's the schedule:


TONIGHT (Thursday 10pm): We're going to pack up and stage things for the
truck tomorrow.

FRIDAY 9:00AM: Kenny and the Loaner Truck shows up to the FAB loading
dock, and we load everything. The more the merrier, so please help out
moving things if you can!

FRIDAY 11:00AM: We're on our way from PSU to Brothers.

FRIDAY 4:00PM: arrive in brothers and setup camp

FRIDAY Evening: put together the rocket in our cool loaner truck

SATURDAY morning: breakfast and load rocket on tower by 10:00am. Dave
arrives at 10:00am.

SATURDAY sometime between 10:00am and noon: we launch LV3!



For those who want to make it a one day event - leave by 6:00am, and you
might even get back before 6:00pm!


Andrew Greenberg

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Portland State University
a...@ece.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

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