Hi Fellow Pythonistas,

Today we launched a month-long membership drive. *We know you’re already a
member, *but if you could share information about our drive with your
friends, colleagues, and anyone else who might be thinking about joining,
that would be excellent!

As we celebrate the PSF’s 20th and Python’s 30th anniversaries, we want to
welcome everyone to become a PSF member. The goal is to sign up 2,000 new
or renewing members in 30 days!

A blog post
went out today with all the details about membership. Basic membership is
free. Details can be found here <https://www.python.org/psf/membership/.>.

Some of you contribute to and manage certain aspects of our ecosystem.
Please consider becoming a managing or contributing member
if you are not already!

Your can write your own tweet, retweet @ThePSF or use any of the
suggestions below:


   .@ThePSF is 20 years old 💙  and Python 🐍  is 30 years old this year!
   We’re celebrating with a membership drive! Our goal - sign up 2,000 new or
   renewing members in 30 days! Basic membership is free. Details here:

   Happy 20th Anniversary to @ThePSF 💙  and 30th anniversary to Python 🐍
   ! We're celebrating with a membership drive. Can we sign up 2000 new and
   renewing members in 30 days? Details here:

   Happy Anniversary to Python and the PSF! Python is 30 & the PSF is 20
   years old this year! Your support is what makes Python and its community so
   extraordinary. Help us celebrate by becoming a@ThePSF member (it's
   free!). Details here: https://www.python.org/psf/membership/.

Warm Regards,


Betsy Waliszewski
*Pronouns: she/her/hers*
Event Planner / Sponsorship Coordinator

As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and donations
to support the Python community.

Please participate in our membership drive during the month of March! Sign
up here: https://www.python.org/accounts/login/?next=/users/membership/
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