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<tradução do cabeçalho da notícia>
Legisladores franceses aprovaram lei que pune o compartilhamento de arquivos P2P com até 3 anos de prisão ou uma multa de 300 mil euros. Também decidiram que a tecnologia de DRM da Apple, que ela usa para proteger o copyright de downloads e uploads de músicas, deveria tornar-se Open Source...
A continuação da notícia diz que ninguém ficou satisfeito: nem as empresas de software proprietário (e provavelmente as produtoras de conteúdo...) nem as associações ligadas ao software livre. A lei francesa é a versão deles de uma lei que deve ser votada e aprovada em toda a EUROPA, pelo que entendi...

Realmente este front de batalha é algo que merece muita preparação dos nossos iluminados deputados e senadores... (!8-0 estamos perdidos...)

De Lucca

     FR: France passes new copyright law

/Open Source News – 24 July 2006 /– /France/ /– Legal Aspects/

*French legislators have passed a law that punishes peer-to-peer file sharing with up to three years imprisonment or a hefty fine of €300 000. They also decided that Apple’s digital rights management (DRM) technology, which it uses to protect the copyright of music downloads and uploads, should become Open Source.* After months of heated debate, the French parliament has transposed European copyright law – i.e. The European Directive on Copyright <>– into its /Loi relative au Droit d'Auteur et aux Droits Voisins dans la Société de l'Information/ (Law on Author's Rights and Related Rights in the Information Society). The new legislation, which is awaiting the final approval of French President Jacques Chirac, has drawn criticism both from members of the Open Source community and from the proprietary software industry. “The final vote today by French lawmakers on legislation that would force Apple to open its iTunes product to competitors devices is an attack on intellectual property rights not just of Apple but all companies,” said Americans for Technology Leadership <>, an umbrella group which includes such giants as Apple and Microsoft. “This bill was subjected to unreasonable lobbying pressure... The French government and the [government] majority sold the freedom of French citizens to Vivendi, Microsoft, and Apple," Christophe Espern of EUCD.INFO <> was quoted as saying.
/© European Communities 2006
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
The views expressed are not an official position of the European Commission./
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