E lembrando ainda que Thunderbird não é software de agenda... mas apenas de correio. :-/ A menos que seja agenda de contatos, mas isso são outros 500....

Mitch Karpor, o inventor do Lotus 1-2-3, está investindo US$ 5 milhões no sucessor do Lotus Agenda, que está disponível como software livre.


"Mitch Kapor made his fortune designing the first PC spreadsheet, but his favorite creation is an obscure personal information management app called Lotus Agenda.

Its draw: Unlike most calendar tools, which require users to input data in a particular time or category, Agenda can classify random notes and put them in their proper place. (...)

Text-based and unsupported for close to a decade, Agenda is a fossil of the DOS era, making its fan base a dedicated lot indeed. Now Kapor and open source developers have ambitious hopes for a new app called Chandler, tentatively set for release early next year, which will have the utility of Agenda without the hassles.

"The core idea in Agenda is being able to capture information very freely and adding structure and classification as you go," Kapor said. "That's foundational. But there's a big learning curve for Agenda, which is one of the reasons it was more a critical success than a commercial success."

Kapor funded initial work in Chandler with $5 million earmarked for a group called the Open Source Applications Foundation. The idea is to create the digital equivalent of a personal assistant, helping people filter out the noise and adapt efficiently to constantly changing information."





Nelson Corrêa de Toledo Ferraz

Segula Technologies (www.segula.fr)
Free Software Foundation Associate Member #3203
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