Olival Gomes Barboza Junior escreveu:
Aos colegas do BrOffice.org e já antevendo a inundação de gente q vai me perguntar sobre o assunto amanhã: esse papo abaixo é pra valer? Qual o nível real de vulnerabilidade do OO.o?
Os comentários do Pablo, em resposta a este email são interessantes:
* Possibilidade de se fazer um estudo detalhado nesta ferramenta e não no do concorrente (por questões óbvias de licenciamento); * Investimento do governo para fazer essa pesquisa (no outro, até pode ter sido feito, mas acredito q não seja possível divulgar resultados, tal como é com os produtos da oracle);
* Oportunidade de mostrar um diferencial! =)


1) Response To The French Ministry of Defence Report Leak

There has been comment in the media about a report on a French language website: "Le ministère de la Défense met OpenOffice à l'index"

The ZDNet article claims to describe the proceedings of a confidential meeting within the French public administration. It is not appropriate for the OpenOffice.org community to comment on a leak from a private meeting. However, one of the people mentioned in the article, Eric Filiol, has posted two replies to the online article clarifying the purpose of the research and correcting some of the incorrect conclusions in the original article.


2) French department of defense damns OpenOffice.org?

You may have read that French article on ZDNet:

Something like a translation of this can be found here:

First thing to notice is that the article is not speaking in the name of the French department of defense. There should be some clarification soon.

Last week, I and some colleagues here in Hamburg had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Filiol, who is working on the internal security study about OpenOffice.org.

We talked about 3 different issues, but I can't talk about all details here.

One of the issues is simply a bug which we should fix soon. But it is not really a security issue, but more about how users trust certain kind of documents.

An other issue was about how our trust in installed macros might ease viral effects, and we talked about some interesting options here.

The last point was about integrity checks for documents, which can also give users some more security.

All together, I must say that it was really a good call, and that Mr. Filiol and his organization are really in favor of open source software. They like our short response time, which they probably won't have in some commercial products.


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