El Viernes, 14 de Septiembre de 2007 13:53, Pablo Sánchez escribió:
> Trecho retirado de http://www.opensolaris.org/os/about/ explica isso.
> "The OpenSolaris project is an open source project sponsored by Sun
> Microsystems, Inc, that is initially based on a subset of the source
> code for the Solaris Operating System."

Você, tem ração, mas também explica isto:

"Future releases of the Solaris OS will be built from the OpenSolaris source 
code, but will still be supported in the same manner as current versions of 
the Solaris OS. At any given time, there may be some software in either the 
OpenSolaris project or the Solaris OS product that is not present in the 
other. However, over time the intent is to release as much of the existing 
source code as possible through the OpenSolaris project and for future 
development of the source to take place in the OpenSolaris community."

Sim é verdade que não tenho toda a informação sobre o que vai a ser liverado e 
o que não, nem tampouco sobre o que já foi liverado.

Obrigado pela correção.

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