Nos últimos dias muito tem se falado sobre modelos de negócios para os
artistas na era pós-copyright. O Jamendo apresenta uma proposta que
compartilho com vocês. :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jamendo Alert <>
Date: 2009/3/13
Subject: Your favorite music in your favorite place!
To: asm666 <>


Hello asm666,

You've been trusting
*jamendo*<>as a
source for great music for a long time, and we want to thank you for
your fidelity.

You can now become an “ambassador” for jamendo. Help the artists get
exposure by being played in your favorite bar, restaurant or shop, thanks to
our *“pro radios”* <> :
pure music, without any interruption or talking.

Jamendo is the easiest and cheapest way for professionals to play background
music without having to pay anymore fees to ASCAP, BMI, PRS, SOCAN, BUMA,

It's great exposure, and also a new revenue source for jamendo artists!

Public place owners save up to 50% on their background music expenses, and
the artists are happy to be exposed and remunerated.

For more information, *click

Help us spread the word about jamendo PRO and become our ambassador! Each
ambassador will receive a “jamendo package” as soon as the bar, restaurant
or shop they contacted has confirmed its request for jamendo music. This
package includes t-shirts, USB sticks and jamendo stickers.

Just give them the referral code *asm666* so that we know they are coming to
us on your behalf.


Alexandre de Sousa Mota
Usuário Linux #472180
Membro do GELSoL ::

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