
Alguém conhecia o Prefab ? 

Giving users the power to customize proprietary software
Researchers at the University of Washington are working on a project that 
could, in effect, make any proprietary software open source.

Prefab works not on the underlying software source code, but on the pixels that 
all programs put on screens. Prefab would allows users to change those pixels 
around to create new features in all their programs.

"Microsoft and Apple aren't going to open up all their stuff. But they all 
create programs that put pixels on the screen. And if we can modify those 
pixels, then we can change the programs' apparent behavior," said James 
Fogarty, a University of Washington assistant professor of computer science and 

Almost everything seen on a display is made of prefabricated blocks of code, 
and the tool, called Prefab, looks for those blocks as often as 20 times per 
second and alters their behavior.

Fogarty likened the idea to HTML. "Everybody can see the HTML. But that hasn't 
been possible on the desktop," he said. A standard Web page can display a map 
from Google, an embedded YouTube video and a constantly updating RSS feed all 
at the same time, but achieving something similar with native PC programs is 
hard to do.

Fogarty has been working on Prefab for about two years, along with a University 
of Washington doctoral student in computer science and engineering, Morgan 

Dixon described Prefab's capabilities thus: "I'm using some program that I 
love, and I'm going to stick in some features from some other program that I 
love, so I have a more unified interface."

While the main part of the program is done, Dixon and Fogarty are still 
developing Prefab and exploring options for commercializing it.

Prefab doesn't actually reveal or manipulate the source code for programs, 
since it can't see it in proprietary software. It can only manipulate and 
combine what's visible on the computer screen. "Even if it's in a menu six 
layers down, if your eyes can see it, so can Prefab," Fogarty said.

He showed a few examples of how Prefab could work in a video using target-aware 
pointing techniques like a bubble cursor, which dynamically sizes the cursor so 
that it always captures the nearest target. Rather than needing to click 
directly on a button, the bubble cursor allows users to be in the vicinity of a 
button and still be able to click it. It can be particularly helpful for people 
with disabilities.

The bubble cursor could be added to any application by Prefab, which would 
start by copying the pixels from a source window. Prefab then interprets the 
pixels and adds enhancements -- in this case the bubble cursor. It then outputs 
the final product to a target window, including both the pixels from the source 
window and the enhancements.

Making changes to software from Microsoft, Apple and other companies could 
potentially lead to legal problems, but Fogarty argued that "there's a lot of 
value we can provide these companies."

He said he plans to use "crowd-sourcing" and create an online community for 
people to share ideas for Prefab. "We've seen the mashup culture flourish 
online, and this is not fundamentally contrary."

He plans to show the software on April 14 in Atlanta at the Computer Human 
Interface conference. One of the demonstrations will use Adobe Photoshop and 
involves creating multiple previews of a single image file. In the background, 
Prefab moves the controls to adjust color and contrast and so on, captures the 
resulting images and displays them all on a single screen. That could save time 
when editing images by displaying a range of possible results to users.

Moises C B Souto
Engenheiro de Computação

Projeto Software Livre - RN
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