Red Hat 8.0 comes with an RPM for Tora, which is an excellent database
tool similar to Toad.  This is great except:

1.  It doesn't come with plugins for any databases, which makes it
    completely useless except to admire its pretty antialias fonts.

2.  There is no information anywhere on how to add the Oracle plugin for
    Tora.  I have an existing Oracle client installation on my box;
    presumably there's a way to get Tora to use those libraries.

Does anyone know how to add the Oracle support to Tora?

The other option is to install the Tora Oracle RPM directly from
GlobeCom, which works and is what I'm doing now, but I don't get the
beautiful antialias fonts that occur with the Red Hat supplied RPM.

Tora is a Qt application, and that RPM is statically linked with Qt
3.0.5, which is what ships with Red Hat.  How could I enable antialias
fonts when running Tora from that RPM?  Why would that work with the
RedHat RPM but not the one supplied from GlobeCom?



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