On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 19:33, David Durst wrote:
> I am not sure why you say 1/2 closed, and 2nd THERE IS MARKET DEMAND.
> Has anyone looked at the major deployments of LINUX and why it is being used
> its mostly in JAVA.
> And Tomcat, Jboss, apache are all open sourced just not GPLed.
> You can LEGALLY distribute the the JRE and J2SDK.

Not without a distribution license, no. Only SUN and IBM can. That's why
you have to download them.

> For the most part you just don't get it.
> You are so afraid the EULA that it ruins the OSes possiblities.

Oh yes it does... If you aren't SUN or IBM, you pay for every copy you
sell on media (or download, or share... have you lost count yet?)

> And w/ Netscape 7, it doesnt have to be there but make it so when you
> have Flash (It install the plugin correctly into Mozilla).

I'm not sure why automatic plugin search is currently disabled, but you
can install most plugins for Netscape 7 in Mozilla, just search for it
at Netscape's website.

> See this is what you don't get - let me give you an analogy to explain it
> a bit better.
> The state of Linux now is "Here is a car w/ a manual figure it out"
> Heres what I am asking for:
> "Here is a car w/ a manual, here is the body kit, rims, spolier and CD
> Player you can put in the car - side note you DON'T HAVE TO PUT THEM ON"

Let me give you another analogy. If we shipped everything you wanted it
would be more like...

"Put your hands up on the hood where we can see them! Your body kit,
rims, spoiler, and CD player were reported stolen from stores all over
town. Let's see who you are, I'll just check this wallet. Full? Not
anymore! Empty now! Wonder how that happened? Hehehe. You are under
arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and
will be used against you in a court of law, You have a right to an
attorney (he gets everything left in your bank account)..."

Chris Kloiber

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