I have found it bad to modify redhat init scripts :) .. they tend to get
overwritten during up2date ... found this out the hard way back in 6.x
with postfix and sendmail :)


On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 15:06, Scott Kindley wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 15:40, Tommy McNeely wrote:
> > 
> > my question.. which everyone keeps sorta dancing around :)
> > 
> > is how do I make it load automatically at system boot time... will just
> > specifying the options in /etc/modules.conf work for me? .. i see
> > something about /etc/rc.modules in the /etc/rc.sysinit ?? or is there
> > something like /etc/modules.autoload ??
> > 
> > Tommy
> > 
> The way I do this is to edit the /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables file and
> where it begins the section starting with case "$1" in modify it to look
> like this:
> case "$1" in
>   start)
>       start
>         insmod ip_conntrack_irc
>         insmod ip_conntrack_ftp
>         insmod ip_nat_ftp
>       ;;
>   stop)
>       stop
>         rmmod ip_conntrack_irc
>         rmmod ip_conntrack_ftp
>         rmmod ip_nat_ftp
>       ;;
>   restart)
>       # "restart" is really just "start" as this isn't a daemon,
>       #  and "start" clears any pre-defined rules anyway.
>       #  This is really only here to make those who expect it happy
>       start
>         rmmod ip_conntrack_irc
>         rmmod ip_conntrack_ftp
>         rmmod ip_nat_ftp
>         insmod ip_conntrack_irc
>         insmod ip_conntrack_ftp
>         insmod ip_nat_ftp
>       ;;
> Save the file and as root issue service iptables restart.
> Note I haven't tried this with the port parameters others have been
> talking about...but for the standard port this works great for me.
> -- 
> Scott Kindley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You're being followed.  Cut out the hanky-panky for a few days.

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