> Message: 4
> Subject: RH USB sucks
> Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 10:08:03 -0700
> Hallo list, 
> What is the name of RH8's USB daemon? Or how can we uninstall this daemon? 
> I prefer usbmgr daemon. Much better, controlable & less erratic. Moreover & 
> more importantly: it allows me to play music from my NTFS drive (an 80GB 
> NTFS drive where I put everything). RH8 only reads & copy things from NTFS 
> file system; but it doesn't play anything from there. I've tried it in some 
> ways but still doesn't work. 
> You know, the bottom line is simply because RH doesn't want to interfere 
> with the proprietary nature of M$'$ NTFS. 
> Thanks! 

Well, I don't know the answer to your question really, but I don't think
the problem is USB related if you are reading the drive. When you say
music, do you mean *mp3's?

mp3 support is not in RH 8. I use the xmms that came w/ RH8 along w/ a
plugin for mp3 capability for xmms.

as for NTFS, as far as I know, Linux doesn't really support NTFS, let
alone RH8. Things may be different about this though, as it has been
some time since i've been around any M$ equipment. 

PS- Last i knew, M$ still doesn't fully support NTFS, (you can change to
fat, but not back or something like that), so i wouldn't be to hard on
the rest of the world for it. LOL

if none of this has helped you in any way, sorry, i guess i totally
misunderstood your problem.



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