On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 01:24:21 -0500
"Bruce Embrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:From what I remember, Promise provides the install disk for RH 7.2/7.3 :which :allows 
:you to install the drivers during the installation. In :November they :released 
:"Partial Open Source" drivers but it appears :you have to have an :installed system 
:to compile your own kernel and the FastTrak.o drivers.

That was pretty close to the mark at the time, but the times are still a changing. It 
turns out that I was, if not the first person to try to install psyche on a Promise 
RAID system, at least the first one to contact their tech support staff.

At the time, they didn't yet have any RH 8.0 versions, and even the "Partial Open 
Source" wouldn't work for me, because the one part of the driver which they release 
only in binary was compiled with an incompatible library version. But after I 
explained the problem to them, they had a fix for me within 24 hours.

So, you all may think what you like about IDE RAID, but I am now a great fan of the 
Promise tech support staff.

-- Chuck

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