Hi Slau,
Restoration plugins have not been added to the Masters Bundle. The Xnoise, Znoise etc are
still part of the Restoration bundle.
This is directly from my contact at waves.
Just to clarify.
Talk soon

On May 10, 2011, at 8:52 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hey Chris,

The plug-ins Chuck is referring to are known as the Waves Mastering Bundle. There's an RTAS version for around $750 or so—not cheap but it's considered to be one of the best. When you originally said pops and clicks, I thought you meant plosives and mouth noise during live tracking. There's still no plug-in for that… ;)


On May 10, 2011, at 3:16 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

Hi Chuck and Slau,
Thanks for the info. It'll be very helpful. On the pop click note, when I say that the plugin was a filter, it didn't mean as a substitute for a plosive filter on the mic, I meant that it removes mouth noise. If you run it on a recording of an old record, it would remove the pops of a gently scratched record.
I know there must be one.


On May 9, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Hi Chris,

Chuck's comment on using the Command modifier while scrubbing is correct, although it is dependent upon which zoom level you're in. So, in general, zooming way out will give you a broader stroke, so to speak, and the Command modifier will narrow that focus. Alternately, if you zoom way in, the range of motion for scrubbing will be a lot tighter and the Command modifier will narrow it even more. I find that zooming in too far is kind of frustrating for scrub purposes. The C24 has some dedicated buttons for zoom level and I think you'll find that somewhere around level 2 or 3 works best.



On May 9, 2011, at 5:01 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

Hi Guys,
I must simply be brain dead today, but I just can't seem to find the command to make the C-24's scrub wheel change the amount of selection as the wheel is turned while in scrub mode. I'm editing a voice track for breaths and pops, and I want to adjust how much my scrub will cover at one turn. Does anyone know the keyboard command to do this?


Chuck Reichel

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