Hi Listers!
Has any body got Elastic Audio  to work yet?
I am getting ready to take a deeper look in to taking a deeper look LOL
at "Quantizing Elastic Audio"  just thought before I do?
Does any body have any notes on the subject?
Here is a section from the PT manual on it.
Thanks for any input!

begin excerpt;

Chapter39: Event Operations 833
Quantizing Elastic Audio
ProTools lets you apply Quantize to Elastic Au-
dio events as well as MIDI notes. Quantize can
be applied to Event and Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid on Elastic Audio-enabled
tracks, regardless of whether they are sample- or
tick-based. When quantizing, Event markers
closest to the quantize grid are promoted to
Warp markers and all Warp markers closest to
the quantize grid are quantized based on the
Quantize settings.
Quantization can also be applied to region start
times (or sync points) on all audio tracks,
whether they are Elastic Audio-enabled, or sam-
ple- or tick-based. This lets you quickly quantize
audio regions without applying TCE, and is es-
pecially useful when working with “one-shot”
regions (single-event regions) such as sliced re-
gions or region groups.
To quantize Elastic Audio events:
1  Select the audio you want to quantize on Elas-
tic Audio-enabled tracks. (Audio not on Elastic
Audio-enabled tracks will not be quantized.)
2  Choose Events > Event Operations > Quantize.
3  In the Quantize window, select Elastic Audio
Events from the What to Quantize pop-up
4  Set the Quantize Grid and Options settings.
5  Click Apply.
The Warp and Event markers closest to the
Quantize Grid are quantized accordingly. TCE is
applied between these markers and all other
markers maintain their position relative to the
Quantize Grid.
Chuck Reichel

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