Hi Nick,
I agree "we need to go to places around where we live if avid is going to be 
showing off pro tools 10 and show them the accessibility issues as the more 
they see the issues we are having learning or using it they could improve their 
documentation" most importantly VoiceOver implementation  being an on going 
part of Avid.

My contacts   inside Avid suggest the same thing including using Avid tech 
support channels to raise the VoiceOver flag!
This is not just Chuck raving this is real people inside Avid saying this!
Lets get busy! ;)


On Feb 24, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Nick Gawronski wrote:

> Hi, I have the mac book pro 17 inch and yes you should upgrade the ram to 8 
> gigs it will cost you a little but it is well worth it.  I myself upgraded 
> the ram and I say it is best to get it done at an early stage then a later 
> one when you really need the memory.  I agree that more for the blind user 
> using pro tools 10 needs to be produced as from reading the manuals with my 
> copy sometimes it is not very clear how to always do something the blind way 
> even if some keyboard commands are given.  I would so buy a complete tutorial 
> made in audio of using pro tools for the blind if one existted.  I also think 
> we need to go to places around where we live if avid is going to be showing 
> off pro tools 10 and show them the accessibility issues as the more they see 
> the issues we are having learning or using it they could improove their 
> documentation and their software for everyone.  Nick Gawronski
> On 2/24/2012 6:16 AM, Brian Howerton wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am getting ready to take the mac plunge, and I was wondering what
>> people might would recommend.  I am looking at getting the macbook pro
>> with the 15-inch monitor, and the quad cor i7 processor but upgrading
>> the drive to 8 gigs.  Was kind of wondering what people are using who
>> are using the macbook pros for recording.  Also, I have been doing
>> alot of reading on the voiceover screenreader getting the commands
>> under my belt before I purchase the mac so I won't have such a huge
>> learning curve ahead of me.  My question on the protools side of
>> things is this:  I know that Kevin Reeves has done 3 great podcasts on
>> using protools with voiceover, but I was wondering if anyone has
>> written any guides as far as using protools with voiceover or are
>> there any other podcast tutorials out there.  I thought maybe that was
>> in the works, that someone was writing the textbooks for the protools
>> certification courses so that blind people could take those courses as
>> well.  Just was wondering what is out there  to learn the program with
>> voiceover if anything.  Thank you for your help,
>> Brian

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