>From what I understand, markers are for saving spots in your project,
whereas arrow keys are for marking regions for editing.

You can change to SMTPE time in the counter display. It says counter
display or something, can't remember.

Anyways, hth,

On 30/03/2012, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK.
> I totally understand that pressing num pad period then enter your number
> then period again will jump you to that marker.  I also totally get that
> hitting num pad period, dial in your number, then press num pad enter will
> let you reassign!  that marker to another location.
> What, however I'm not getting is I know that up arrow and down arrow make in
> and out drops.  So what is the difference in a marker, from using up and
> down arrows?
> My second even more important question by far is, let's say that I'm working
> on a session, and it's, o... I dono... let's just say speech only.  there is
> no music.
> Well, right now, in the edit window, if I interact with the counters
> cluster, I notice that my start, end, and length, are all set based on
> bar/beat.
> Well, if this is speech only, we don't wanna move through the file by
> bar/beat.  We'd wanna move by hour, minute, second.
> How can I reconfigure my session, so that we can make this happen?
> Kevin, I gotta say, I had the hardest time following your tutorial before.
> I think a lot of it was I wasn't concentrating very thoroughly.  I did great
> up until we started editting, and working with the num pad.  Then you
> totally lost me.  Now that I play the file again, it for some reason makes
> sense.  You definitely put me way out of my comfort zone, but that's good!
> I like a challenge.  I think now, I just really need to practice and really
> get good with those commands you gave me.
> One thing, when I'm dialing the numbers in, like you kept going to bar 24 in
> that track... so if we want to just go there, we'd do num pad star, 2 5
> period 1, then hit return.
> My qu3estion there is, do I have to do 2 5 period 1 on the num pad, or does
> that have to be done from the qwerty numbers, or does it not matter, just so
> you hit return when done, and not num pad enter, as that is used for
> assigning a marker.
> Chris.

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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