Hi, yes and it works but then again you lose the ability to move between sections of the manual. I guess one could then take that document and put it on a talking book player to read it is there a way to export it as html so you at least get the headings preserved? Nick Gawronski

On 4/1/2012 9:42 PM, The Oreo Monster wrote:
did u try the method suggested here of copying and pasting the text into text 
- T.O.M

On Apr 1, 2012, at 9:49 PM, Nick Gawronski<n...@nickgawronski.com>  wrote:

Hi, When trying to read the intro to pro tools document as well as all of the other manuals and start preview I hit voiceover and a and get chopt off words where the first charactor or sometimes half the word is not spoken. I don't want to have to hit the down errow everytime in order to read a document. Also when I try navigating the table of contence all I get is partial words and I have tried going all over the screen reading portions of words but can never find the item I need as when I find a section I want to read I get put back at the top of the document when I move back to the main text area and interact with it. I was trying to import a track from a CD to test out some basic moving around but again numbered buttons which do nothing in the work space window when pressed. Someone really needs to come out with some type of audio tutorial on basic steps for the new pro tools user either for the totally beginner or for those users who have done editing on a pc. I am not
saying at all that the audio tutorials we have now are bad in any way as 
listening to those is what made me buy pro tools 10 in the first place but with 
nothing more to follow along with and trying to find someone who knows pro 
tools who can train me on it as I already know voiceover has been very tricky 
as if I could just find the training or tutorials and yes I would pay for good 
quality ones if they existted that would not only help me but lots of us new 
users who are trying to go to school or learn this for a job or in my case 
both.  We really need to make Avid aware of these accessibility issues in the 
areas of pro tools that need improovment so I encourage everyone to write to 
avid about these as the more people who point them out to avid the more likely 
they will fix them.  In helping developers make windows programs accessible I 
always point them at http://www.microsoft.com/enable and find that if you have 
sites for these developers to look at that explain accessibility for a
ll screen readers not just one they are more likely to make their software 
accessible.  I do think it is great that we can use pro tools but again these 
issues need to be handled quicker then they are currently getting handled and 
we need more resources including having them pointed out in the documentation 
that avid writes.  I did mention this list to them in my survey I got about a 
month after I bought and registerd my pro tools system.  We do need to be nice 
about the accessibility when we point out issues as well as appear at events 
where avid is showing off products and show the people there the issues as if 
they see it in action they are more likely to fix them.  Does it matter in what 
order I install the software first pro tools then the drivers for my digi 003 
and how do you open the bundles that appear in the documentation folder as when 
I select them I go into terminal with no pdf files when I do ls and or change 
into the directories?  Nick Gawronski

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