Hi, Well in pro tools 10 in the project folder there is a plugin
settings folder so you could try just selecting the plugins you had and
see if it did save your settings for the plugins you were using. Nick
On 6/21/2012 7:42 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
I guess, Nick, my only concern is, can I remember how I processed the
vocals to get such a great sound? I think I can, for what it's worth,
but will have to see, as I'll bet those audio files probably have, as
you said, the raw vocal, not the processed version. Right?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Gawronski"
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: Please tell me there's an auto-Save feature!
Hi, it is called session file auto backups and I myself turned it off
as I always hit command and s to save something after recording so
don't have to be to consearnd. The audio files folder however does
store the raw wav files that you record so even if you had a system
crash the recording itself would still exist. Nick Gawronski
On 6/20/2012 9:55 PM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
Look in your session file backups folder inside your session. You'll
see a ton of files in there. choose the one that has the most recent
date on it. That may or may not contain your latest track. It's just
a gamble on whether or not it auto backed up after you recorded the
track. But that's where you'll always find your session backups.