For the record its the very last thread or if it gets longer, page 6 of that thread that Chris is refering to.

A thread on which there seems to be an extreme lack of anyone to do with Apple or logic for that matter.

At least a couple more people vaguely acknowledged the need for Voice over. I can't imagine them mixing blind ever though, people like talking about that concept, but the second I switch off the moniter in my control room people begin to freak completely, God forbid I were to remove it altogether, cause it really is getting in the way of those sound waves I'm trying to work on.

The trouble with pushing for logic accessability is that its not obvious where to push. If the regular and even die hard logic users are dismayed at lack of communication well then things don't look so positive.

I might drop a word to a friend working at Apple and see if he could open up any routes of communication. o at least find out if they are working on Voice over compatability on such aps.

From: "Chris Norman" <>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 10:31 AM
To: <>
Subject: For anyone who cares about Logic accessibility

I'm painfully aware of how off topic this is, so I'll keep it breef.

I found a thread on the Apple Support Forum about Logic Pro 10. It
started off as someone moaning it wasn't released yet, but got down to
more productive conversation later on, so I chipped in, and said I'd
like to see Logic 10 work better with VoiceOver. Then an interesting
thing happened, and a load of sighted people chimed in and agree for
some really interesting reasons. Anyways, here's the link for anyone
interested in mentioning stuff. Way I see it, more people who say
about it, the better.

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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