Hi, Make sure you are connected to the internet and hold down command and 
option then r you should boot into the Lion recovery image over the internet.  
That is what I read on line and it works for me connected to my secured 
wireless network as it must get the key from the installed copy.  I have Lion 
on one partition and Mountain Lion on the other so the normal command and r 
boots the Mountain Lion recovery.  Nick Gawronski

Cameron Strife <came...@cameronstrife.com> wrote:

>Hi everybody. since Mountain Lion, voiceover, and pro tools don't play
>well together, I am attempting to track down OSX Lion. I am having no
>luck though. It's not available in the app store and the few thumb
>drive copies I've found on e bay are being sold for stupidly high
>Anybody have any tips or recommendations?

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