I've not written or recorded anything no, but from looking at the unit
in front of me, I'll quickly write up some notes on it:

On the back, you have the 8 XLR's, above 8 Jack inputs. They map to
inputs 1-8 in Pro Tools, going from my left to my right (the unit is
set up behind my computer keyboard.

On top, again, towards the back panel, you have the gain pots. These
are pretty obvious, because they're very close to both the gain pots,
and the instrument buttons, and have a sort of line that acts like a
pointer, so you can tell how high the gains are.

Below and slightly to the right of each gain pot is an instrument
switch. The switch on the far left, is now an instrument switch,
although it's used in conjunction with the first inst switch, to tell
the desk to route the instrument socket on the front left of the desk
to input 1. When it's in, the front input is used as input 1, when
out, the back. If it's in, but the first inst switch is out, the first
XLR is still used.

The button on it's lonesome, top center of the unit is phantom power,
and it has a lone LED light beneath it, which I assume lights up when
the button is pressed in.

Below the gain pots, on kind of a shelf type offair, is the channel
strip display. On the right, is a smaller screen. I'm not sure what
else this display shows, but it definitely shows what mode the desk is
in, but more on that later.

Below these, are a row of knobs. The 8 on the left, are the pan pots
by default, although when the flip button is pressed (can't remember
where that is), they go to being the channel volume. The two on the
right, are the 2 headphone outputs. I can't actually remember if I
ever got both headphone sockets working, but I don't use either of
them now. Reguardless, the left knob controls the left headphone
socket, and the right knob, the right socket.

The final knob, on it's own, about half way up the right hand side, is
the volume of the over all unit. You can use this in place of function
f12 (or your mac's volume controls), assuming you're not routing your
audio through the desk.

Below the knobs on the right, are a whole bunch of buttons, I'll try
and remember what they are now:

The only ones which are important, are the 5 below the headphone
levels. These are aux 1 to 5. I have no clue what they do in each
mode, but they set the mode, so you will care about them at least once
in your life.

While powering up the uni9, hold down 1 of these buttons to get to the
desired mode. For example, for Pro Tools, or, more accurately the HUI
mode, you'd hold down aux 3, which is in the center, then turn on the
power, and keep the button pressed for maybe 3 seconds. If you want to
check when it's on, before you turn the unit on, move the master fader
to the top or something, then it'll move down to the bottom once it's

The available modes, as far as I can remember, again, don't quote me, are:

1. Logic mode.
2. Cubase?
3. HUI (Pro Tools)
4. Live ?
5. General MIDI

Below these, are some buttons, which I can't remember. One is
definitely plugin, and one is definitely pan, other than that, I can't
remember I'm afraid.

Below the pan pots, are the channel strip buttons, so I'll not run
through every strip, as they're all the same. From top to bottom, you
*Select | Rec (I can't remember which way round they go, but it's one
or the other).
* Solo
* Mute
* Motorised fader.

The fader on it's own a little apart from the others on the right, as
you'd imagine, is the master fader. This doesn't do anything when the
desk is in PT mode however, but it's a great way to check if the desk
is on when in this mode, as it'll rather angrily force it's way back
to -inf DB when you adjust it.

Above the master fader, are 4 banking buttons. The top two are bank by
8, and the bottom two are bank by 1. Not sure if I've got them flipped
or not, but something like that.

To the right of the faders, there's a transport bar, which I've never
used, other than to verify that it wouldn't do anything with Pro
Tools, but they are (from left to right):
Fast Forward
Record (in cased with like bar things around it).

Below this, on the right hand side, there is a shuttle wheel, no clue
if that works or not, and 5 buttons, arrayed in the 4 standard
cardinal directions, with something which I think is Zoom in the
middle. These (I think), are left right, and up and down, but I won't
swear to that.

Bottom front of the unit are the main inst socket front left, and the
headphones 1 and 2 on the right.

Hope all that made sense, and, above all, helped! Check the manual for
less useless information! :-)

Have fun, the Project Mix is a great unit, me and mine have had a lot
of fun and productive times together.

On 16/02/2013, Krister Ekstrom <kris...@kristersplace.com> wrote:
> Hi folks.
> If all goes as planned, i will get a M-Audio Projectmix for my Pro tools
> setup. Has anyone made a podcast or tutorial or anything about the Project
> mix from a blindness perspective, would be nice to know. Otherwise, is there
> anything i as a blind person need to know about the project mix in order for
> it to work propperly with Protools?
> /Krister
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Take care,

Chris Norman.

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