Playlist is absolutely the way to go here. I never get rid of a take
unless it's a partial take, meaning we knew part way in there was
problems.  I have found a couple of things, if you lay your projects
out the same way every time it's a lot easier to quickly navigate from
point a to point b. An example, and while many may not like this
approach it's worked for me. I always lay the ryth section of my
project far left, meaning it's the first tracks I creat. Then drums
and bass are in the middle, lastly, vocals, harmonies aux tracks are
near the end.
When tracking vocals, I always create a playlist, called vox whoever's
singing T1. Then once the take is complete, I instantly name my next
take. I personally keep notes as to which takes as well as at what
marker  have parts I prefer. this way if I do decide to comp, I can
quickly go back to say, t3, chorus 2 which maybe at marker 4. This
saves lots of time when working with various vocal tracks. I do the
same with guitar parts or piano parts as well.
I believe by default PT will auto save every 5 minutes, so there's a
good chance you still have that track in a backup file with in your
sessions folder.

On 10/1/13, Poppa Bear <heavens4r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks, I had a pretty good 3 hour session yesterday, but at some point I
> went to clear a track, but accidently had two tracks selected so I lost a
> good vocal take and didn't notice it in time to just do a typical undo
> function. How would I start thinking about how to retreve tracks back in
> situations like this? In Sonar there is a history of changes to go into in
> order to undo stuff like this even if you have made other changes. I have
> not got into the play list stuff much, but I am wondering if it is the
> direction I need to start heading in. In my sessions it is normaly good take
> or bad take and we just keep it, or redue it, most clients I have had
> haven't cared about tying peaces of good takes together to get the best of
> all the takes, but I would still like to get a better handle on this so I
> can block up that chink in my armor.
> Thanks all over for any thoughts
> --
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Warm Regards:
Matt Diemert

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