Hi there.
Well maybe i overdo it a little when i call Avids website a nightmare. Most 
things are usable but for two things. For one, when you want to change your 
password there’s a captcha that is very hard to beat. I had to have sighted 
assistance to manage it and secondly, and here’s where i need your help, good 
people: I’m trying to register my copy of Protools 11 so that i can download it 
to my computer. All goes well, with entering various address info and phone 
numbers etc, then i enter the second page of the web form, where i am to 
describe what i use PT for, and the only mandatory field there is the ”purchase 
date” field. Unfortunately this field seems not at all recognizable to 
Voiceover, for it says ”text clickable” and ”image” and nothing whatsoever 
happens when i try clicking with the vo+space command and i can’t route the 
mouse there, and even when i can, nothing happens when i physically click the 
mouse, i can’t type text in, i can’t do anything with that field. Anyone 
experienced this and have a workaround?

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