Hi John,

Yes, certainly, the faders control volume by default. Here's the layout 
On Apr 19, 2014, at 10:11 PM, John Gunn <g...@tznet.com> wrote:

> Slau,
> I guess I meant by faders, can you contrrol volume by faders and if you don't 
> mind, send me the file.
> John
> On Apr 19, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Yes, the 003 uses FW400 ports, works with Mavericks and Pro Tools 11. I'm a 
>> little confused by your asking whether the faders work in PT 11. If you do 
>> get the 003, I'll send you a layout document that'll help you get acquainted 
>> with the buttons and controls.
>> Best,
>> Slau
>> On Apr 19, 2014, at 4:13 PM, John Gunn <g...@tznet.com> wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I might have a chance to obtain a Digi 003 and some questions.  I presume 
>>> it has a firewire 400 Interface and hopefully the drivers are or work with 
>>> Mavericks?
>>> I also hope the faders work with PT11?
>>> I have also many more questions and someone with knowledge can write me off 
>>> the list at g...@tznet.com I would appreciate it.
>>> John
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\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 Digi 003 Layout\
Top Console Section\
The Digi 003 includes an LCD display across the top of its mixer section.\
To the right of the LCD display is a rectangular button labelled\

\b Display Modes
\b0 .\
To the right, there are LEDs which are beneath the face of the surface so they're not at all tactile. These LEDs indicate:\
Host, WordClock, S/PDIF, ADAT, MIDI In, MIDI Out 1 and MIDI Out 2.\
Main Console right side master section\
Below the Display Modes button on the right side of the surface are 4 gain knobs which are:\

\b Preamps 1 through 4
\b0 .\
Below each gain knob are a pair of buttons (for a total of 8 buttons in a single row). The left side button is the\

\b Mic/D.I. 
\b0 button and the right side buttons the\

\b HPF
\b0  or High Pass Filter button.\
When the Mic/D.i. button is extinguished (it's default state), it's in mic mode and when lit, it's in D.I. mode.\
below the row of Mic/D.I. and HPF buttons is a row of 6 buttons. One button is set apart to the left and is labelled:\

\b Meter
\b0 . This button toggles the function of the LEDs above each channel strip.\
The remaining 5 buttons in this row are:\

\b Aux In to 7-8
\b0 , 
\b 3-4 to Headphone 2
\b0 , 
\b Aux In
\b0 , 
\b Alt Control Room
\b0  and 
\b Mono
\b0 .\
Below these buttons are three knobs (rightmost in a row of knobs) and are labelled:\

\b Phones 1
\b0 , 
\b Phones 2
\b0  and 
\b Monitor
\b0 .\
A button to the right of the Monitor knob is labelled\

\b Mute
\b0 . Upon powering up the 003, the Mute button is automatically engaged.\
Below the Headphone and Control Room knobs are 4 rows of buttons. The first three rows contain 6 evenly spaced buttons. The buttons in the first row are:\

\b Record Arm
\b0 , 
\b MIDI Map A
\b0 , 
\b MIDI Map B
\b0 , 
\b Save
\b0 , 
\b Undo
\b0  and 
\b Enter
\b0 .\
The buttons in the second row are:\

\b Memory Locate
\b0 , 
\b MIDI Recall
\b0 , 
\b MIDI Edit
\b0 , 
\b Utility
\b0 , 
\b Fader Mute
\b0  and 
\b Focus
\b0 .\
The buttons in the third row are:\

\b Plug-in
\b0 , 
\b Mix
\b0 , 
\b Edit
\b0 , 
\b Loop Play
\b0 , 
\b Loop Record
\b0  and 
\b Quick Punch
\b0 .\
The fourth row contains 5 buttons. There's a gap between the first button and the remaining four buttons. The first button is labelled:\

\b Master Faders
\b0 .\
The remaining four buttons are:\

\b  Flip
\b0 , 
\b Bank
\b0 , 
\b Nudge
\b0  and 
\b Zoom
\b0 .\
Below these buttons are the\

\b Scrub/Shuttle wheel
\b0  and the\

\b Up/Down/Previous/Next
\b0  buttons oriented in a north, south, east, west fashion.\
The Scrub and Shuttle wheels are concentric with the Scrub wheel on the inner circle and the Shuttle on the outer circle.\
Below these controls are the Transport buttons which are (from left to right):\

\b Return To Zero
\b0 , 
\b Rewind
\b0 , 
\b Fast Forward
\b0 , 
\b stop
\b0 , 
\b Play
\b0  and 
\b Record
\b0 .\
Main Console Channel Section\
The main Channel strip section of the control surface occupies most of the control surface. beginning at the bottom, there are\

\b 8 touch-sensitive moving faders
\b0 .\
Above each fader are 3 buttons. From bottom to top, they are::\

\b Mute
\b0 , 
\b Solo
\b0  and 
\b Select
\b0 . Above these buttons are the\

\b Encoder knobs
\b0 . Above each encoder knob, there is a small column of 5 LEDs. These function both as level meters and automation mode indicators. In Automation mode, from top to bottom, the LEDs are labelled:\

\b Write
\b0 , 
\b Touch
\b0 , 
\b Latch
\b0  and 
\b Read
\b0 . The bottom LED is unlabeled.\
above the LEDs, in line with the 8 columns of channels, are 8 buttons labelled:\

\b EQ
\b0 , 
\b Dynamics
\b0 , 
\b Insert
\b0 , 
\b Pan/send
\b0 , 
\b Page Left
\b0 , 
\b Page Right
\b0 , 
\b Master Bypass
\b0  and 
\b Escape
\b0 .\
Along the left side of the surface are two columns of buttons arranged in several groups. The top two buttons in the first group are even with the row of 8 buttons along the top of the channel strips. The top group of buttons include 5 buttons in the left column and 3 buttons in the right column. Note that there are gaps between the 3 buttons in the right column.\
The left column buttons are labelled:\

\b A/F
\b0 ,
\b  B/G
\b0 , 
\b C/H
\b0 , 
\b D/I
\b0  and 
\b E/J
\b0 .\
The 3 buttons in the right column are labelled:\

\b Pan
\b0 , 
\b Send
\b0  and 
\b Insert
\b0 .\
The next group of buttons is in line with the channel strips' Select buttons and consists of one button in each column. The left button is labelled:\

\b Default
\b0  and the right button is labelled:\

\b Input
\b0 .\
The group of buttons below this are the Automation Mode buttons. the left column buttons (from top to bottom) are labelled:\

\b Write
\b0 , 
\b Touch
\b0  and 
\b Latch
\b0 . The right column buttons are labelled:\

\b Read
\b0 , 
\b Off
\b0  and 
\b Suspend
\b0 .\
The bottom group of 4 buttons are the modifier buttons. The left column upper button is:\

\b Shift (Add)
\b0 . The lower button is:\

\b Control/Win
\b0 . The right column upper button is:\

\b Opt/Alt (All)
\b0 . the lower button is:\

\b Cmd/Ctrl
\b0 .\
Rear Panel \
The Digi 003's rear panel has an upper section and a lower section which is set in more deeply beneath the top panel of the control surface.\
On the left side of the upper section of the rear panel, from left to right are the Microphone and D.I. inputs along with phantom power switches. From left to right they are as follows::\

\b quarter-inch input jack for D.I. input 1
\b0 ,\

\b XLR input jack for  Mic 1
\b0 ,\

\b Phantom Power Switch for Inputs 1 and 2
\b0 ,\

\b Quarter-inch input jack for D.I. Input 2
\b0 ,\

\b XLR input jack for Mic 2
\b0 ,\

\b quarter-inch input jack for D.I. Input 
\b0 3,\

\b XLR input jack for Mic 3
\b0 ,\

\b Phantom Power switch for Inputs 3 and 4
\b0 ,\

\b quarter-inch input jack for D.I. Input 4
\b0 ,\

\b XLR input jack for Mic 4
\b0 .\
To the right of the D.I. and Mic input jacks are the\
Analog Output jacks and Monitor Section jacks. These quarter-inch jacks are oriented in 2 horizontal rows of 7 jacks but are organized into 2 groups. The 8 Analog Outputs are on the left side in 4 columns of 2 jacks. The first column is:\

\b Analog Out 1
\b0  on the top and\

\b Analog Out 2
\b0  on the bottom. Column 2 is:\

\b Analog Out 3
\b0  on the top and\

\b Analog Out 4
\b0  on the bottom. Column 3 is:\

\b Analog Out 5
\b0  on the top and\

\b Analog Out 6
\b0  on the bottom. Column 4 is:\

\b Analog Out 7
\b0  on the top and\

\b Analog Out 8
\b0  on the bottom.\
To the right of the 8 Analog Out jacks are the \
Main Out jacks, Left on the top and Right on the bottom,\
Alt Out jacks, Left on the top and Right on the bottom and\
Auxiliary Input jacks, Left on the top and Right on the bottom.\
To the right of the quarter-inch jacks are the\
MIDI jacks beginning with\
MIDI In on the left,\
MIDI Out 1 and\
MIDI Out 2.\
At the far right of the rear panel's upper section is the AC Power Switch.\
On the rear panel's lower left section is a group of 4 quarter-inch jacks with corresponding switches. These are the\
Line Input jacks and -10/+4 switches. From left to right, they are\
Line In 5 with switch,\
Line In 6 with switch,\
Line In 7 with switch and\
Line In 8 with switch.\
To the right of the Line In jacks is a single quarter-inch\
Foot Switch jack.\
To the right of the Foot Switch jack are the 2\
FireWire ports. there is a small LED indicator to the right of the fireWire ports.\
To the right of the FireWire ports are the\
ADAT Optical In on the left and ADAT Optical Out on the right.\
To the right of the ADAT Optical jacks are the \
S/PDIF In jack on the top and S/PDIF Out jack on the bottom\
To the right of the S/PDIF jacks are the \
WordClock In jack on the left and the\
WordClock Out jack on the right.\
At the far right of the rear panel's lower section is the AC Power Plug.\
Last updated January 4, 2014.}
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