If you could dropbox those plug presets to me, and explain how to go about importing them, that would be very appreciated.

I don't personally have the Dropbox software, so doing a share folder would not be the easiest. If you could just e-mail me a public link to get them, that would be great.


----- Original Message ----- From: "mcdiemert ." <mcdiem...@gmail.com>
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: How should I handle this situation?

Rosco, Typically, I use the Trem plugin which would allow you to say
adjust the gain down 10db sort of acting as a pad. However, In pro
Tools 11, I can't seem to get VO to adjust the slider in this plug in.
I have made a few presets of 5db incraments which I could potentially
put in dropbox if you had any intrest in approaching it this way. This
is another reason why I keep PT 10 around there are just a few plugs
that I need in a pinch that I have little access to in PT 11.

On 7/9/14, Rosco Vittore <relu...@gmail.com> wrote:

I do understand that this may be more a mixing question than it is a PT
question in and of itself. Therefore, I'm going to be brief.

The story goes, that I have a song which I need to record my lead vocals on

the top of. The music has already been done as a Sound Choice karaoke
soundtrack which I have ripped from CD into lossless wave format.
Effectively, I need to import this wave file on a stereo audio track in PT
11. That's not the issue though; I definitely know how to do that. The
problem is, as most of you know, any production material which is in final
release mainstream finalization is most likely going to already be mixed,
and more likely still, mastered. This means that they're going to ride their

fader as close to 0DB as they can.  The issue is, by default, in PT, the
meter is set to show my input level, which is generally exactly what I'd
want. In this case however, I need to find some way before doing anything
with my master fader that I can get that karaoke track down to about a -14
to -12 DB level. If I run my fader on the track from the default of 0DB
downward to a negative value, say, -4DB we'll just say, that isn't going to

effect the meter readout right to the right of that fader since we're
dealing with the input level, not the output. Am I understanding correctly?

In other words, regardless where I move that volume slider, the meter isn't

going to change read a lower or higher value than before.

If this is the case, and I'm correct, then what's the best technique for
dealing with this? I just don't want all that extra gain in there on top of

the vocal and all else. If I leave this volume where it is, no doubt in the

masterring process when I start making my final mix, I'm gonna peek my
master fader's meter bigtime which is totally undesirable!

Can you all recommend anything? How would be the best way to deal with this?

Should I configure PT to show the meters as output instead of input? If so,

how do I do it? If not, what would be advised?



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Warm Regards:
Matt Diemert

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