OK, I desperetly hope that someone can tell me why this isn't working, as I have a track for a client that needs to get done, but I'm having the hardest time with an aspect of automation.

So, what I'm trying to do is, my session has two tracks: One is the karaoke music track which the client has provided. The second track is my vocals. The problem is, there are parts of the vocal track where I want to use Auto-Tune. I don't want to use it throughout the entire song, quite obviously. That would sound terrible! I only need it in a couple of places where try as I may, I just! cannot! seem to hit the part dead on. Every time I try, I'm going flat. Anyway, my point is, Using ProTools 10, yes, I have 11 as well, but for reasons beyond my control, in this case, there are certain plugs which I dont' have AAX versions of, so I really don't have a choice. Anyway, back to the problem... what I've done is, I have insert A of the vocal track set on an E Q, B, is my compresser, and C is Auto-Tune. Yes, I know I could pop a send on this vocal track, and run the effects out on to an auxiliary track. Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm not doing it that way, but as far as I know, that's aside the point.

So, once I've done all this, and set up my inserts the way I like them, and set the settings for all the plugs the way I need them, I then went over to Auto-Tune. Now, for those who don't know auto-tune very well, dont' worry, as this is happenning with any plugin, not just auto-Tune, although I'm using that, as right now, it's my biggest problem. What I am trying to do is, I want to start with the plugin completely bypassed. This way, it's not running any sort of correction. Then, when I hit the parts which are needed, I want Auto-Tune to automatically switch on, therefore no longer being bypassed. In addition, within the plugin there is a setting to select what type scale you're using. Things like major, minor, chromatic, etc. I have it set on major. Then, here is the biggy. There is another setting to then select the key signature. So, this song starts in the key of E. So more specifically, E major. So, I set the key in Auto-Tune to E. Now, on the second verse, it modulates up a step, so now, we're in F sharp. Finally, the 3rd and final verse goes up one more time, from F Sharp, to G Sharp, and then the song ends there. The thing is, Because of this, I need a way to automate this plugin, so that I can write automation to the vocal track, causing that parameter within Auto-Tune to automatically switch the key from E to F Sharp, from F Sharp to G Sharp. What I've done is to go into the automation window with command+numpad 4, then, pretty much all the automation buttons in here were selected. I hit vo+space on all of them, and made darn sure that none of them were selected, aside from plugin automation. I then went to the beginning of the song with the return key. I then hit option+return to select the entire session. I looked to be sure in my track list table that vocals were selected, and that they were the only track selected. Once this was confirmed, I interacted with the actual vocal track, not in the table, I mean the literal track itself. I set the automation to write, then hit the space bar to play, and I let it go for about 3 seconds. This is something that Matt recommends in the ProTools with Speech guide, so that you first set an over all automation. Once I hit space bar to stop, I have it set as Matt suggests, so that it then automatically changes the automation over to latch. So, I changed that back over to read. I then, using numpad 2 went forward to where I needed the first auto tune to take place.I used all my selecting methods as necessary, and got that portion correctly selected. I then went into auto-tune, and disabled the bypass, therefore making the plugin be activated. I made sure also it was on the key of E, and had a major scale. I then closed Auto-Tune, went back to the track, set my automation to write, then hit the space bar, and I let the selection totally play out. The only thing I can think in writing this, I might have done wrong is, maybe I should have changed the settings in Auto Tune after! setting that back over to write, instead of changing them while it was on read. I was however under the impression that regardless how you set things, it wouldn't actually write anything until you literally started playing the selection. Anyway, so everything sounded fine. Then, I went back over to read, got to the end of that part, set auto-tune back to being bypassed, selected up to the next point I needed auto-Tune, went back to write, then played that selection through with it bypassed. Then went back to read. Finally, I went to the next auto tune occurance, and this time, after selecting that block of audio, not only did I turn off bypass, but I also changed the key from E over to F Sharp. If I didn't do this, being we're working in a major scale, not chromatic, it would have sounded God aweful! This is why I needed that automation, is so it would automate that key change for me. I then again same as above, wrote the automation, or... at least tried, ha ha ha, and when all was done, I made sure I was on read, then played things back to see if I liked the result. It, sounded, Terrible! For one thing, the automation went ape shit! Basically, it stayed where I last had it at the end of the song. In F Sharp, not E where it should have begun, and plus, it also! further wasn't bypassed, so you can imagine, here I am, supposed to be in E, but yet, it's trying to correct parts I don't! want nor need! it correcting, plus, it's also not bypassing. So it's trying to process things, plus it's trying to process key of E major, for key of F sharp Major, which sounded totally disgusting!

So, yeah, what in the heck! am I doing wrong! Shouldn't this be working as I described? It's the same with things like reverb. Say I use the Air Reverb plugin. Regardless on an AUX track, or not, doesn't matter. Say I want a part of the track to be dry bypassed. Say another part I want it to be on, and while on, one part I want to be soaking wet, why another part I want to be a little wet, but by no means saturated. I can't get it to automate any parameters! It's driving me freaking crazy!

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