OK gang, this Pro Tools list has been too quiet for a little while.
So time to stir up some old conversations.  As accessibility continues
to become more and more a comprehensive reality thanks to Slau and
others, things may have changed for the better and maybe in the drum
sample player world as well.

Putting our heads together, what do we know for sure regarding working
with drums sample players?  In the past, I lay down a skeletal outline
of drums by loading a drum sample player, load my most appropriate
kits for the genre, and insert MIDI loop such as Groove Monkey MIDI
data only.  From there, I would add or subtract events as needed.
This gives the artist the best foundation to work on their program
material files before hiring the session players to record the final
session tracks.

So, here are the questions for the group.

1.      Are any of you successfully doing what I have described above at all?
2.      What is the most accessible drum sample player Boom, Strike, Tune
Track etc., at least in loading sets of drums samples from third party
such as Steven Slate’s?
3.      What kind of success has anyone had with inserting, editing, or
just plain adding or subtracting events and quantizing data?

Let’s try to get some real experienced people chiming in on this
subject and not theories or loose opinions.  I for one really listen
and respect the time and input from folks that have mastered any given
tasks.  And there’s a lot to say for “long to listen, and slow to

I have, in the past, posted a way of creating a drum matrix that
works, but it is slow and very tedious hand building from bottom up!

Let the information begin!  Grin!

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