I bought superior drummer a long time ago and used it with some success on windows with Sonar, though it did take a lot of poking around. I have the stock library and the nyc library and I think the Nashville one too. It would be great to revive it because the natural drum sounds are much better than even the stuff that comes with komplete. Do you think any work will be done with structure that would enable us to load our own samples into it including sound fonts or maybe kontak, which also let's you do that. I am still dreaming of the day I can load some of my custom sampled instruments into pro tools.

-----Original Message----- From: Slau Halatyn
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 8:28 AM
To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
Subject: upcoming access to Superior drummer

Some of you may have noticed that Sweetwater is having a sale on Superior Drummer expansion packs. Unfortunately, their sale of Superior Drummer itself is over but I thought I should mention something for your consideration. Flo Tools 2.0 is on the way. We don't have a specific release date but it's coming soon. Without getting into details, one of the new features will include the ability to map coordinates for invisible items in the Plug-In window. This means that a product like Superior Drummer, which has a lot of tabs, edit fields and pop-up menus that are not automated can still be accessed to a large extent. At the very, very least, one can access libraries, load presets, customize instruments and bounce out individual drum mics. That alone is an enormous step forward and I'm working on mapping as much as possible in the coming weeks. I'm confident that we'll ultimately have access to the majority of the interface. So, that said, anyone truly interested in Superior Drummer and its expansion libraries might want to consider this half-off sale. By the way, the EZ Drummer libraries all work with Superior Drummer as well, of course, and those libraries are even more affordable. There are a ton from which to choose so do your research and ask questions.

Some might recall that, when Keyboard Maestro was on sale about a month before the release of Flo Tools, Rocco and I posted messages that folks should really get it while it was on sale. Well, we're essentially saying it again, only now for Superior Drummer libraries.


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