Hey, that's amazing. Again opening up new levels of usability for us.
Would the same be possible for Native Instruments offerings like Battery or the 
Abbey Road drum kits?


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 28.12.2016 um 23:48 schrieb Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com>:
> For those not sharing in the Drop Box for bandwidth concerns, here are the 
> initial plug-in view files for Superior Drummer. Also, here are a bunch of 
> multi-out files that Phil Muir created. 
> Long story short (and you'll have to fill in some blanks as I'm in a bit of a 
> rush right now), if you want to use Phil's multi-out routings:
> Instantiate Superior on  a stereo  instrument track.
> Use Control plus the arrow keys to navigate to the Load/Save menu and select 
> "Load."
> Navigate to one of Phil's multi SD2 files and make sure it's a library that 
> you own and load it.
> Create 15 stereo aux tracks.
> Interact with the input of the first aux track and, with Command+Option+Shift 
> pressed,  set it to Plug-In>Superior Drummer Insert A>bus 3-4.
> Now any sequence on the Instrument track will be split out to kick in, kick 
> out, sub kick, snare top, snare bottom, etc.
> This is a very quick and dirty explanation but that's the basic story. Phil 
> might chime in with more of a description and possibly paste in the text of 
> the document he created explaining the routing and what's on each set of 
> busses.
> Later,
> slau
> -- 
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