I'm having a really weird issue with my studio setup, and wanted to see if 
anyone has any idea what may be going on here.

I have a Roland RP401R digital piano which I have going directly into my Alesis 
Multimix4 interface with a stereo cable going from the line out of the piano to 
the left and right in on my multimix.

When I do this, I'm noticing that only when powered on, if I put my ear right 
up to the top of the piano near the music stand, I can hear a very noticeable 
hum. I'm not sure if it's 60HZ, but it's definitely there. I don't hear it 
through my speakers though, and it's not bleeding into any recordings. I dono 
if this is just natural Johnson-Nyquist noise, or what, but I can tell you this:

  a.. I don't hear it when the piano is powered off.
  b.. I don't hear it through headphones, line out, nor internal speakers
  c.. I only hear it faintly when putting my ear up to the piano, but it's 
definitely there.
  d.. Turning off the Multimix4 has no baring.
  e.. Turning all  levels on all channels to minus infinity doesn't help.
  f.. The hum is equal pitch to the lowest B flat on a standard piano.
  g.. Disconnecting all cables running to/from the piano doesn't help.
  h.. Unplugging the electrical from the multi-mix isn't helping.
  i.. The piano is not in a serge protector nor a power strip, it's straight in 
the wall and has a 2 prong transformer.
  j.. All cords are snugged and connected well.
  k.. Finally, I didn't have this issue when I first got the piano about a year 
and a half ago, and turning the volume on the piano itself up or down isn't 
effecting it.

I'm  almost wonderring if we've got a ground loop going on here.

Anyone have any ideas? I've also switched out my cables just in case there was 
a short, but there absolutely isn't, as that didn't help either.

One more thing is, my piano is only about 2 and a half feet from my computer 
monitor. Could it be that monitor amitting RF noise which somehow the  piano is 

I'd like to figure this out, as this is becoming rather irritating. I just 
don't want the piano all a sudden electically to go kuh boom! Yes, I'm using 
the original power cord for everything, so we don't have improper vultage etc. 
going on.

And, nothing's smoken,  so... LOL!


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