Hi Jack,

I'd recommend sticking with the latest version of Pro Tools. In the end, 
keeping up a subscription plan is the best way to stay up-to-date.

> On Nov 12, 2017, at 6:29 AM, Jack Ronnayut <ronnaj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your updating.
> What Pro Tools version work best with Flo Tools 2.3? I'm new to Pro Tools and 
> installing it.
> Best,
> Jack
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
> Of Slau Halatyn
> Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2017 10:58 AM
> To: PTAccess List <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Flo Tools 2.3 is out
> What's New in Flo Tools 2.3
> As always, the Flo Tools Team has been thinking of ways to make your use of 
> Pro Tools easier and more efficient. Often, these are simple things that make 
> a huge difference. Flo Tools 2.3 introduces a few such features. In fact, 
> they're so simple that besides  foregoing the mp3 demonstration, we even 
> considered releasing the new version without a "What's New" and have our 
> users discover the new features by surprise but then where's the fun in that? 
> OK, so if you'd rather be surprised by the new features, feel free to skip 
> the rest of these scintillating paragraphs and stumble across things on your 
> own but, if you want a heads up on what to expect, read on.
> 1. You probably remember when Pro Tools users applauded the long-overdue 
> built-in shortcuts for switching between playlists on selected tracks. 
> Shift+up or down arrow is a great time-saver, to be sure. In Flo Tools 2.3, 
> VoiceOver will now automatically speak the name of the newly selected 
> playlist. If multiple tracks are selected and playlists change, VoiceOver 
> will speak the name of each new playlist sequentially. Of course, you can 
> always interrupt speech at any time with the Control key.
> 2. Along similar lines, Flo Tools 2.3 adds feedback for when the track 
> selection changes. when using the Control+p or Control+semicolon shortcuts to 
> move the track selection up or down, VoiceOver now automatically speaks the 
> name of the newly selected track. Cool, no? Of course it is. You know what's 
> even cooler? Well...
> 3. All of the cool kids know that holding down the Shift key while using 
> Control+p or semicolon extends the selection through adjacent tracks. Well, 
> now that VoiceOver speaks the newly selected tracks as the selection moves 
> from track to track, when the selection is extended, VoiceOver now speaks the 
> number of tracks being selected and says the name as they're being selected. 
> Now, is that cool enough for you? Wait, it actually does get cooler...
> 4. Apparently there are kids who are even cooler than the aforementioned cool 
> kids. These cooler kids are quite familiar with the Pro Tools shortcut for 
> retracting a selection from the top or bottom of a group of selected tracks. 
> Control+Option+p or semicolon respectively retracts the selection from the 
> top or bottom of a series of selected tracks. If you're using Control+Option 
> as the VoiceOver keys, remember to press Control+Option+Tab to pass through 
> the shortcuts. Once passed through, when the selection is retracted, 
> VoiceOver let's you know what's going on with the track selection. Now, 
> that's just practically too cool. If anybody also feels that this is too 
> cool, we might consider retracting the coolness. On second thought, never 
> mind, we'll stick with the cool.
> 5. What isn't cool is how VoiceOver sometimes reports menu items by their 
> current state rather than the state they've switched to after issuing the 
> keyboard shortcut associated with the menu item. For example, Auto Input 
> monitoring versus Input monitoring. When you select the menu item or use the 
> Option+k shortcut, VoiceOver speaks the menu item that was showing before the 
> item had changed. So, if you're monitoring the input and press Option+k to 
> switch to Auto Input, VoiceOver says "Input" and vice versa when switching 
> the other way. The behavior can be inconsistent from menu item to menu item 
> which adds to the confusion. In fact, trying to explain the behavior can 
> itself be confusing. Are you confused? We sure are. Where were we? Oh, yeah, 
> Auto Input versus Input monitoring. Flo Tools 2.3 now takes this into account 
> and has VoiceOver speak the actual status of the monitoring and correctly 
> reports what is being heard when toggling back and forth between the two 
> modes. Yay for clarity and consistency!
> 6. There are a few keyboard focus modes in Pro Tools that can sometimes be 
> useful. They are: Commands Focus (or Timeline focus(, Clips List focus and 
> Groups List Focus. The Pro Tools keyboard shortcuts for these modes are 
> Command+Option+1, Command+Option+2 and Command+Option+3 respectively. Flo 
> Tools 2.3 reports the focus as it is switched. It's no big deal--nothing 
> worth writing home about but, hey, it helps, if only to remind us of which 
> focus is being accessed when issuing the shortcut.
> 7. Starting with Flo Tools 2.3, we're beginning to offer limited support for 
> Pro Tools First. We don't know how far this will go or which features we'll 
> be able to support fully but we're going to try to do whatever is possible. 
> Stay tuned for more information in a future release.
> 8. For various reasons too numerous or not quite numerous enough to mention, 
> we're splitting off the Flo Tools Mouse and Flo Tools Num Pad macro groups 
> into their own category. In other words, they will not be part of the 
> standard flo Tools installation but rather separate macro groups that can be 
> installed and used with other applications beside Pro Tools. There's no need 
> to uninstall or reinstall them. They can just continue to exist within 
> Keyboard Maestro as they are right now. However, if you happen to delete 
> either macro group, the next time you install Flo Tools, they will not 
> automatically be installed. If you need to reinstall the Mouse or Num Pad 
> macro groups, go to FloTools.org and download the installers.
> 9. Note that as of Flo Tools version 2.3, quitting Pro Tools will result in 
> Flo Tools canceling any macros running in the background. This is to prevent 
> the running of certain macros that, when launched, constantly scan for input. 
> Letting these macros run even after Pro Tools has quit can result in 
> unnecessary CPU load and elevated fan noise. Cancelling such macros changes 
> nothing about how Flo Tools works when Pro Tools is running. It should be 
> noted, however, that any macros being run in the background outside of Pro 
> Tools and Flo Tools will be cancelled when Pro Tools quits.
> Subsequently, Keyboard Maestro will also announce that macros are being 
> canceled every time Pro Tools quits. If this becomes annoying to you, feel 
> free to turn off these messages by going to System Preferences, then 
> Notifications, and selecting Keyboard Maestro Engine from the table. Then 
> choose "None" under "Alert Style."
> OK, so that didn't warrant an mp3 demonstration, did it? Hey, maybe next time 
> we'll consider doing a whole new consolidated demo of all features from 
> version 1 through 2.x in one mp3. Deal? It's a deal. Until then, as always, 
> go with the Flo.
> Wait a second, we almost forgot: this is our version of "One More Thing." 
> We've added a brand new feature to Flo Tools and that is the Flo Tools 
> Shortcuts Helper. While Pro Tools is running, Press Control Shift Command K 
> to launch the Shortcuts Helper. Press keys to hear their functions. When 
> you're in the Mix or Edit windows, you'll hear the main shortcuts that are 
> available in most windows. When you're in a window or dialog that has its own 
> shortcuts, you'll hear only those shortcuts that are specific to that 
> environment. For example, Command+f brings up the Fades dialog in the Mix or 
> Edit windows but it brings up the View filter while the MIDI Event List is in 
> focus. Flo Tools Shortcuts Helper recognizes the context and offers the 
> appropriate shortcuts.
> Rather than randomly pressing keys to hear their functions, you can also 
> press Control Shift Command H to bring up a palette of all of the available 
> shortcuts. You can even narrow down the list by bringing up the Item Chooser 
> and use first letter navigation to narrow the list to make it easier to find 
> the shortcut you're trying to remember. You can either trigger the macro, 
> which will speak the function as if you had pressed the key combination or 
> you can press the very first button in the palette (which happens to be 
> unlabelled and that will close the palette. To exit Shortcuts Helper, simply 
> press Escape.
> we've done our best to cover all of the available shortcuts but we might have 
> missed something. If you notice anything that doesn't seem quite right, let 
> us know and we'll make sure to dot our i's and cross our t's for the next 
> release.
> Enjoy!
> The Flo Tools Team
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